Captain Tedward's Flying Adventures

My mission: DON'T CRASH!

5/04/2009 10:20:00 AM

Race to Ridgeland

Posted by Captain Tedward

Hound Dog One and I participated in this air race and placed 7th. It's not a race against others but a race against the manufacturer's rated highest attainable speed at sea level in the plane you are flying. The one who finishes the race closest to this "index" is declared the winner.

Kim was also there (Luke and Mason too) with a display booth for Hound Dog One/CBHR and we got the word out to a few people that stopped by. Ann from Bluffton also helped out and brought her two Bassets. This was a good practice run since we have a huge event coming up in two weeks....the Beaufort MCAS Air Show featuring The Blue Angels.

Hound Dog One Pilot