Captain Tedward's Flying Adventures

My mission: DON'T CRASH!

9/11/2008 10:20:00 AM

Trip to speak to aviation students

Posted by Captain Tedward

I flew down to Jacksonville, Florida on Tuesday. I had been invited to speak to a group of aviation students at the college I graduated from. I spoke about the dispatch profession to about a dozen enthusiastic aviation students and a few professors. One of the professors that taught me when I attended J.U. still teaches there and was in attendance. It was quite a thrill for me and the students seemed to enjoy what I had to say.

Flight down and back was uneventful. Hope I get another opportunity to give back to the university that gave me so much. :)

Captain Tedward


Eric K. said...

Always good to impart wisdom on the younger generation. Glad the trip was uneventful, too!