Captain Tedward's Flying Adventures

My mission: DON'T CRASH!

7/03/2008 10:21:00 AM

Please vote!

Posted by Captain Tedward

Hey Everyone!

Now you can help decide where Captain Tedward travels to next! I have posted a poll on the main page so please take the time to vote.

Have a Happy 4th!

Captain Tedward


WileyCoyote said...

Don't go to MB, Ted. It's crowded, overpriced, overrated, and the Hard Rock Cafe is a lot smaller and a lot less fun than you would think. Best time to go is in the winter - long uninterrupted walks on the beach, servers and cooks are less rushed, and the atmosphere is so unlike the summertime MB.

Ps I couldn't vote before because for some reason your pages weren't coming up. Welcome to the insanity.

Captain Tedward said...

Thanks, WC. I was changing the template and majorly messed up the site hence the reason it wasn't coming up. It's fixed now. Thanks for the opinion and vote! :)

Captain Tedward

Southern Focus Designs said...

So, if we vote, are you taking us all with you? LOL

Captain Tedward said...

I really wish I had a plane large enough to do so! That is why I have started this make you feel like you are there with us. :)

Captain Tedward

The Cosmopolitan Charlestonian said...

Love that picture. Gas prices. Ha.

Anonymous said...

So I delayed voting because I'm really torn, not about the Myrtle Beach one, but the others. In the end I DID vote, Ted, but I like the "change my vote" option, so....

Eric K. said...

I'm voting for Milledgeville for either August 9th or August 16th weekends - purely out of selfish reasons so I can drive down and meet y'all there!